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Papo Whale calf Figure

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    The humpback whale is one of the world's largest animals.

    Found in all of the world's oceans and seas, this cetacean mammal measures 15 m on average and can weigh up to 40 tonnes. What makes it so distinctive are the large fins and the bulges on its head. It also stands out for its colours - black on top and white underneath - which may sometimes be admired during spectacular leaps out of the water. Apart from their majestic appearance, the whales are known for their complex songs which sound to human ears like some strange and fantastic melody. It is possible that it also play an important role in courtship displays. For the humpback whale, mating takes place in tropical or warm waters and is followed by one year of gestation. After birth the calf will remain dependent on its mother until its 6 years, period when it is becomes sufficiently imposing and is therefore no longer an easy prey for its predators.